
单位:mems教育部重点实验室 电话:025-83792632-8815 出生年月:1986-06-09 邮箱:xt@seu.edu.cn 学历:博士研究生 地址: 职称:副研究员
  • 基本信息
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  • 科学研究
  • 荣誉奖励
  • 团队及招生情况
徐涛,副研究员,博士生导师。2009年本科毕业于东南大学电子科学与工程学院,2014至2015年于美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室联合培养,2016年博士毕业留校任教至今。主要从事纳米尺度材料加工方法及原理的显微学研究。发表论文100余篇,包括nature、nature materials、nature communications、advanced materials、advanced functional materials等,总引用6000余次;出版英文编著1部,中文编著1部。

2005.9~2009.6 东南大学电子科学与工程学院 本科;

2009.9~2016.3 东南大学电子科学与工程学院 博士;

2014.1~2015.5 美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室 访问学生;


2016.4~2019.4   东南大学电子科学与工程学院 讲师

2019.5~2022.12 东南大学电子科学与工程学院 副研究员

2023.1~至今       东南大学集成电路学院 副研究员










book chapter

l. sun, t. xu, z. zhang, in-situ transmission electron microscopy, 2023, springer nature singapore 

孙立涛、徐涛、尹奎波,石墨烯及相关二维材料显微结构表征, 2019, 化学工业出版社: 北京

t. xu, l. sun, chapter 5, 'structural defects in graphene' in 'defects in advanced electronic materials and novel low dimensional structures', 2018, woodhead publishing 

selected publications

26. m. ye#, t. xu#, m. liu, y. zhu, d. yuan, h. zhang, m. qin, l. sun*, revealing dominant oxidative species in reactive oxygen species-driven rapid chemical etching, nano lett., 2023, 23:7319  

25. l. yang#, x. huang*,#, h. wu#, y. liang, m. ye, w. liu, f. li, t. xu*, h. wang*, silver nanowires: from synthesis, growth mechanism, device fabrications to prospective engineered applications, eng. sci., 2023, 23:808  

24. c. luo#, t. xu#, z. yu*, x. wang, l. sun, j. chu, x. wu*, probing gate dielectrics for two-dimensional electronics at atomistic scale using transmission electron microscope, ieee t. electron dev., 2023, 70(4):1499-1508  

23. f. pan#, k. ni#, t. xu#, h. chen, y. wang, k. gong, c. liu, x. li, m. lin, s. li, x. wang, w. yan, w. yin, p. tan, l. sun, d. yu, r. ruoff*, y. zhu*, long-range ordered porous carbons produced from c60nature, 2023,614(7946):95-101  

22. t. xu*, y. tu, y. zhu, y. shen, k. yin, l. sun*, nucleation and growth of stacking-dependent nanopores in bilayer h-bn, nanoscale, 2022, 14(46):17182-17187 

21. t. xu*, h. zhang, m. ye, y. zhu, d. yuan, w. li, y. zhou, l. sun*, controllable fabrication of hollow in2o3 nanoparticles by electron beam irradiation, nanoscale, 2022,14(35):12569-12573 

20. w. wang#, t. xu#, j. chen#, j. shangguan, h. dong, h. ma, q. zhang, j. yang,  t. bai, z. guo, h. fang*, h. zheng*, l. sun*, solid-liquid-gas reaction accelerated by gas molecule tunnelling-like effect, nat. mater., 2022,21(8):859-863. 

19. h. zhang#, t. xu#*, k. yu, w. wang, l. he, l. sun*, tailoring atomic diffusion for in situ fabrication of different heterostructures, nat. commun.,2021, 12:4812. 

18. h. zhang, t. xu*, y. zhu, w. wang, h. zhang, d. yuan, l. sun*, in situ atomic-scale observation of silver oxidation triggered by electron beam irradiation, nanomaterials, 2021, 11(4):1021. 

17. z. zhou#, t. xu#, c. zhang, s. li, j. xu, l. sun*, l. gao*, enhancing stability by tuning element ratio in 2d transition metal chalcogenides, nano res., 2021, 14(6):1704-1710. 

16. y. zhu, d. yuan, h. zhang, t. xu*, l. sun*, atomic-scale insights into the formation of 2d crystals from in situ transmission electron microscopy, nano res., 2021, 14(6):1650-1658. 

15. w. wang, t. xu*, t. bai, c. zhu, q. zhang, h. zhang, h. zhang, z. guo, h. zheng*, l. sun*, controlled oxidative etching of gold nanorods revealed through in-situ liquid cell electron microscopy, sci. china mater., 2020, 63(12):2599-2605. 

14. t. xu, y. shen*, k. yin, l. sun*, precisely monitoring and tailoring 2d nanostructures at the atomic scale, apl mater., 2019, 7(5):050901. 

13. j. jiang#, t. xu#, j. lu, l. sun*, z. ni*, defect engineering in 2d materials: precise manipulation and improved dunctionalities, research, 2019, 4641739. 

12. k. yu#, t. xu#, x. wu, w. wang, h. zhang, q. zhang, l. tang, l. sun, in situ observation of crystalline silicon growth from sio₂ at atomic scale, research, 2019, 3289247. 

11. y. zhou#, t. xu#, k. yin, l. he, f. banhart, l. sun*, in-situ atomic-scale observation of stability limit of cu nanoparticles, mater. today nano, 2018, 4:32-37. 

10. y. shen, t. xu*, x. tan, l. he, k. yin, n. wan, l. sun*, in situ repair of 2d chalcogenides under electron beam irradiation, adv. mater., 2018, 30(14):1705954. 

9. t. xu, y. zhou, x. tan, k. yin, l. he, f. banhart, l. sun*, creating the smallest bn nanotube from bilayer h-bn. adv. funct. mater., 2017, 27(19):1603879. 

8. t. xu, l. sun, investigation on material behavior in liquid by in situ tem. superlattice microst., 2016, 99:24-34. 

7. t. xu, l. sun*, dynamic in-situ experimentation on nanomaterials at the atomic scale. small, 2015, 11(27):3247-3262. 

6. t. xu, x. xie, k. yin, j. sun, l. he, l. sun*, controllable atomic-scale sculpting and deposition of carbon nanostructures on graphene. small, 2014, 10(9):1724-1728. 

5. x. he#, t. xu#, x. xu*, y. zeng, j. xu, l. sun*, c. wang, h. xing, b. wu, a. lu, d. liu, x. chen, j. chu*, in situ atom scale visualization of domain wall dynamics in vo2 insulator-metal phase transition. sci. rep., 2014, 4:6544. 

4. l. wang#, y. wang#, t. xu#, h. liao, c. yao, y. liu, z. li, z. chen, d. pan*, l. sun*, m. wu*, gram-scale synthesis of single-crystalline graphene quantum dots with superior optical properties. nat. commun., 2014, 5:5357. 

3. x. liu#, t. xu#, x. wu#, z. zhang, j. yu, h. qiu, j.-h. hong, c.-h. jin, j.-x. li, x.-r. wang, l.-t. sun*, w. guo*, top–down fabrication of sub-nanometre semiconducting nanoribbons derived from molybdenum disulfide sheets. nat. commun., 2013, 4:1776. 

2. h. qiu#, t. xu#, z. wang#, w. ren, h. nan, z. ni, q. chen, s. yuan, f. miao, f. song, g. long, y. shi, l. sun, j. wang*, x. wang*, hopping transport through defect-induced localized states in molybdenum disulphide. nat. commun., 2013, 4:2642.

1. t. xu, k. yin, x. xie, l. he, b. wang, l. sun*, size-dependent evolution of graphene nanopores under thermal excitation. small, 2012, 8(22):3422-3426. 

full publications can be found:   


crystals   editorial board member

advanced materials、nano today、chemical engineering journal、carbon、materials research bulletin、applied surface science、applied materials today、physica status solidi a、materials today communications、nanotechnology、nanomaterials等期刊审稿人

2016年  k. h. kuo award for outstanding student

2017年  江苏省优秀博士学位论文,江苏省真空学会青年科技奖
