![]() 徐涛职务:
个人简介 徐涛,副研究员,博士生导师。2009年本科毕业于东南大学电子科学与工程学院,2014至2015年于美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室联合培养,2016年博士毕业留校任教至今。主要从事纳米尺度材料加工方法及原理的显微学研究。发表论文100余篇,包括nature、nature materials、nature communications、advanced materials、advanced functional materials等,总引用6000余次;出版英文编著1部,中文编著1部。
教育经历 2005.9~2009.6 东南大学电子科学与工程学院 本科; 2009.9~2016.3 东南大学电子科学与工程学院 博士; 2014.1~2015.5 美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室 访问学生; 工作经历 2016.4~2019.4 东南大学电子科学与工程学院 讲师 2019.5~2022.12 东南大学电子科学与工程学院 副研究员 2023.1~至今 东南大学集成电路学院 副研究员 讲授课程
教学研究 出版物 研究领域或方向
研究项目 研究成果 l. sun, t. xu, z. zhang, in-situ transmission electron microscopy, 2023, springer nature singapore t. xu, l. sun, chapter 5, 'structural defects in graphene' in 'defects in advanced electronic materials and novel low dimensional structures', 2018, woodhead publishing 26. m. ye#, t. xu#, m. liu, y. zhu, d. yuan, h. zhang, m. qin, l. sun*, revealing dominant oxidative species in reactive oxygen species-driven rapid chemical etching, nano lett., 2023, 23:7319 25. l. yang#, x. huang*,#, h. wu#, y. liang, m. ye, w. liu, f. li, t. xu*, h. wang*, silver nanowires: from synthesis, growth mechanism, device fabrications to prospective engineered applications, eng. sci., 2023, 23:808 24. c. luo#, t. xu#, z. yu*, x. wang, l. sun, j. chu, x. wu*, probing gate dielectrics for two-dimensional electronics at atomistic scale using transmission electron microscope, ieee t. electron dev., 2023, 70(4):1499-1508 23. f. pan#, k. ni#, t. xu#, h. chen, y. wang, k. gong, c. liu, x. li, m. lin, s. li, x. wang, w. yan, w. yin, p. tan, l. sun, d. yu, r. ruoff*, y. zhu*, long-range ordered porous carbons produced from c60, nature, 2023,614(7946):95-101 22. t. xu*, y. tu, y. zhu, y. shen, k. yin, l. sun*, nucleation and growth of stacking-dependent nanopores in bilayer h-bn, nanoscale, 2022, 14(46):17182-17187 21. t. xu*, h. zhang, m. ye, y. zhu, d. yuan, w. li, y. zhou, l. sun*, controllable fabrication of hollow in2o3 nanoparticles by electron beam irradiation, nanoscale, 2022,14(35):12569-12573 20. w. wang#, t. xu#, j. chen#, j. shangguan, h. dong, h. ma, q. zhang, j. yang, t. bai, z. guo, h. fang*, h. zheng*, l. sun*, solid-liquid-gas reaction accelerated by gas molecule tunnelling-like effect, nat. mater., 2022,21(8):859-863. 19. h. zhang#, t. xu#*, k. yu, w. wang, l. he, l. sun*, tailoring atomic diffusion for in situ fabrication of different heterostructures, nat. commun.,2021, 12:4812. 18. h. zhang, t. xu*, y. zhu, w. wang, h. zhang, d. yuan, l. sun*, in situ atomic-scale observation of silver oxidation triggered by electron beam irradiation, nanomaterials, 2021, 11(4):1021. 17. z. zhou#, t. xu#, c. zhang, s. li, j. xu, l. sun*, l. gao*, enhancing stability by tuning element ratio in 2d transition metal chalcogenides, nano res., 2021, 14(6):1704-1710. 16. y. zhu, d. yuan, h. zhang, t. xu*, l. sun*, atomic-scale insights into the formation of 2d crystals from in situ transmission electron microscopy, nano res., 2021, 14(6):1650-1658. 15. w. wang, t. xu*, t. bai, c. zhu, q. zhang, h. zhang, h. zhang, z. guo, h. zheng*, l. sun*, controlled oxidative etching of gold nanorods revealed through in-situ liquid cell electron microscopy, sci. china mater., 2020, 63(12):2599-2605. 14. t. xu, y. shen*, k. yin, l. sun*, precisely monitoring and tailoring 2d nanostructures at the atomic scale, apl mater., 2019, 7(5):050901. 13. j. jiang#, t. xu#, j. lu, l. sun*, z. ni*, defect engineering in 2d materials: precise manipulation and improved dunctionalities, research, 2019, 4641739. 12. k. yu#, t. xu#, x. wu, w. wang, h. zhang, q. zhang, l. tang, l. sun, in situ observation of crystalline silicon growth from sio₂ at atomic scale, research, 2019, 3289247. 11. y. zhou#, t. xu#, k. yin, l. he, f. banhart, l. sun*, in-situ atomic-scale observation of stability limit of cu nanoparticles, mater. today nano, 2018, 4:32-37. 10. y. shen, t. xu*, x. tan, l. he, k. yin, n. wan, l. sun*, in situ repair of 2d chalcogenides under electron beam irradiation, adv. mater., 2018, 30(14):1705954. 9. t. xu, y. zhou, x. tan, k. yin, l. he, f. banhart, l. sun*, creating the smallest bn nanotube from bilayer h-bn. adv. funct. mater., 2017, 27(19):1603879. 8. t. xu, l. sun, investigation on material behavior in liquid by in situ tem. superlattice microst., 2016, 99:24-34. 7. t. xu, l. sun*, dynamic in-situ experimentation on nanomaterials at the atomic scale. small, 2015, 11(27):3247-3262. 6. t. xu, x. xie, k. yin, j. sun, l. he, l. sun*, controllable atomic-scale sculpting and deposition of carbon nanostructures on graphene. small, 2014, 10(9):1724-1728. 5. x. he#, t. xu#, x. xu*, y. zeng, j. xu, l. sun*, c. wang, h. xing, b. wu, a. lu, d. liu, x. chen, j. chu*, in situ atom scale visualization of domain wall dynamics in vo2 insulator-metal phase transition. sci. rep., 2014, 4:6544. 4. l. wang#, y. wang#, t. xu#, h. liao, c. yao, y. liu, z. li, z. chen, d. pan*, l. sun*, m. wu*, gram-scale synthesis of single-crystalline graphene quantum dots with superior optical properties. nat. commun., 2014, 5:5357. 3. x. liu#, t. xu#, x. wu#, z. zhang, j. yu, h. qiu, j.-h. hong, c.-h. jin, j.-x. li, x.-r. wang, l.-t. sun*, w. guo*, top–down fabrication of sub-nanometre semiconducting nanoribbons derived from molybdenum disulfide sheets. nat. commun., 2013, 4:1776. 2. h. qiu#, t. xu#, z. wang#, w. ren, h. nan, z. ni, q. chen, s. yuan, f. miao, f. song, g. long, y. shi, l. sun, j. wang*, x. wang*, hopping transport through defect-induced localized states in molybdenum disulphide. nat. commun., 2013, 4:2642. 1. t. xu, k. yin, x. xie, l. he, b. wang, l. sun*, size-dependent evolution of graphene nanopores under thermal excitation. small, 2012, 8(22):3422-3426. 学术兼职 crystals editorial board member advanced materials、nano today、chemical engineering journal、carbon、materials research bulletin、applied surface science、applied materials today、physica status solidi a、materials today communications、nanotechnology、nanomaterials等期刊审稿人 2016年 k. h. kuo award for outstanding student 2017年 江苏省优秀博士学位论文,江苏省真空学会青年科技奖 团队介绍 招生情况 毕业生介绍 |