![]() 朱 真职务:无锡校区管委会副主任、mems教育部重点实验室副主任
电话: 86-510-85110071
个人简介 本科、硕士毕业于东南大学电子科学与工程学院,博士毕业于瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院(eth zurich),从事电子、微电子、mems与生命科学、医学的医工交叉学科研究工作。发表期刊及国际会议论文60余篇,被science, chemical reviews等顶级期刊所引用;合作出版英文专著2本、中文译著1本;授权中国发明专利14项,软件著作权4项,授权美国专利3项。作为项目/课题负责人承担国家级项目8项,包括国家自然基金青年项目1项、面上项目1项;国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)子课题1项;国家重点研发计划“重大科学仪器设备开发”专项子课题1项;jkw项目3项;国家重点研发计划“基础科研条件与重大科学仪器设备开发”专项课题1项等。2015年获江苏省双创人才计划之“双创博士”资助对象;2019年获国家科学技术进步二等奖(高性能mems器件设计与制造关键技术与应用,主要参与人),个人承担的倾斜光刻工艺制程与设计算法研究成果转化为美国intellisense公司商业化mems eda软件中的重要ip核,被intel公司采购用于超大规模集成电路芯片散热冷却系统的研制。
教育经历 2009.09 ─ 2014.02 瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院(eth zürich),博士研究生,微电子学、生物电子学 2006.09 ─ 2008.06 东南大学电子科学与工程学院,硕士研究生,微电子学与固体电子学 2002.09 ─ 2006.06 东南大学电子科学与工程学院,本科,电子科学与技术 工作经历 2014.07 ─ 至今 东南大学电子科学与工程学院、微电子学院、集成电路学院,讲师、副教授、教授 2014.02 ─ 2014.06 瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院(eth zürich),博士后研究员 讲授课程 本科二年级专业基础课 《固体物理基础》 本科四年级专业选修课 《lab on a chip(全英文)》 教学研究 出版物 book chapter [1] 朱真*, 译第18章封装技术在生物电子中的应用,《器件和系统封装技术与应用:原书第2版》,(美)拉奥r.图马拉(rao r. tummala)主编,李晨等译,北京:机械工业出版社,2021.03. [2] z. zhu*, y. geng, and y. wang, monitoring single s. cerevisiae cells with multifrequency electrical impedance spectroscopy in an electrode-integrated microfluidic device (chapter 9). in: marchisio m. a. (eds) computational methods in synthetic biology, methods in molecular biology, vol 2189. springer nature, new york, ny, 2021. [3] z. zhu*, o. frey, and a. hierlemann, wide-band electrical impedance spectroscopy (eis) measures s. pombe cell growth in vivo (chapter 13). in: singleton t. (eds) schizosaccharomyces pombe: methods and protocols, methods in molecular biology, vol 1721, springer nature, new york, ny, 2018 (与2001年诺贝尔生理医学奖得主paul nurse爵士合著) 研究领域或方向 面向人民生命健康,立足于电子、微电子学,将微纳制造、mems、集成电路、微流控、生物传感、嵌入式系统、人工智能等工程技术集成到微纳芯片与系统,以此在生命科学、运动健康、医疗诊断等领域开展以单细胞−模式生物-人体为对象的医工交叉学科研究。 具体包括: 1. 基于电阻抗谱(eis)的单细胞衰老寿命分析、胚胎发育监测、线虫分选等研究; 2. 基于电阻抗断层扫描成像(eit)的线虫运动记录、人体肺功能实时监测等研究; 3. 基于深度学习、人工智能算法的细胞分析、动物行为识别、eit图像重构等研究。 研究项目 2021 ─ 2024 国家重点研发计划“基础科研条件与重大科学仪器设备研发”重点专项,在研,课题负责人 2019 ─ 2021 国家重点研发计划“重大科学仪器设备开发”重点专项,已结题,合作单位(东南大学)负责人 2018 ─ 2021 国家自然科学基金面上项目,已结题,项目负责人 2015 ─ 2019 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划),已结题,子课题负责人 2015 ─ 2017 国家自然科学基金青年项目,已结题,项目负责人 2015 ─ 2016 南京市留学回国人员科技活动项目择优资助经费,已结题,项目负责人 研究成果 selected journal publications [36] q. xiao, y. wang, j. fan, z. xiang, h. hong, x. xie, q.-a. huang, j. fu, x. zhao, z. w, z. zhu*, a computer vision and residual neural network (resnet) combined method for automated and accurate yeast replicative aging analysis of high-throughput microfluidic single-cell images, biosensors and bioelectronics, 2024, 244:115807 (if 12.6) [35] 肖秦, 张雨昕, 王颖瀛, 刘可, 朱真*, 基于卷积神经网络的酵母出芽特征识别方法, 电子器件, 2023, 46(3): [34] h. shi, y. wang, z. zhang, s. yu, x. wang, d. pan, z. wang, q.-a. huang, and z. zhu*, recent advances of integrated microfluidic systems for fungal and bacterial analysis, trac trends in analytical chemistry, 2023, 158: 116850. (if 13.1) [33] y. wang#, z. zhu*#, k. liu, q. xiao, y. geng, f. xu, s. ouyang, k. zheng, y. fan, n. jin, x. zhao, m. a. marchisio, d. pan, and q.-a. huang, a high-throughput microfluidic diploid yeast long-term culturing (dylc) chip capable of bud reorientation and concerted daughter dissection for replicative lifespan determination, journal of nanobiotechnology, 2022, 20: 171. #equal contribution (if 10.435) [32] y.-s. tan, l. wang, y.-y. wang, q.-e. he, z.-h. liu, z. zhu*, k. song*, b.-z. li*, and y.-j. yuan, protein acetylation regulates xylose metabolism during adaptation of saccharomyces cerevisiae, biotechnology for biofuels, 2021, 14: 241. (if 6.040) [31] z. zhang, x. huang, k. liu, t. lan, z. wang, and z. zhu*, recent advances in electrical impedance sensing technology for single-cell analysis, biosensors-basel, 2021, 11: 470. (if 5.519) [30] 刘亚, 刘可, 黄庆安, 柏涛, 邱收, 张娜, 朱真*, 基于视频深度学习的小鼠恐惧情绪识别与分析方法研究, 生命科学仪器, 2021, 19(4): 37-44. [29] 刘可, 王颖瀛, 耿杨烨, 肖秦, 朱真*, 酿酒酵母单细胞形态参数精准提取算法的研究, , 2021, 34(8): 1001-1006. [28] z. zhu*, y. geng, y. wang, k. liu, z. yi, x. zhao, s. ouyang, k. zheng, y. fan, and z. wang, real-time monitoring of dissection events of single budding yeast in a microfluidic cell-culturing device integrated with electrical impedance biosensor, frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology, 2021, 9: 783428. (if 5.890) [27] y. geng, z. zhu*, z. zhang, f. xu, m. a. marchisio, z. wang, d. pan, x. zhao, and q.-a. huang, design and 3d modeling investigation of a microfluidic electrode array for electrical impedance measurement of single yeast cells, electrophoresis, 2021, 42: 1996-2009. (if 3.535) [26] x.-p. li, k.-y. qu, b. zhou, f. zhang, y.-y. wang, o. d. abodunrin, z. zhu, n.-p. huang, electrical stimulation of neonatal rat cardiomyocytes using conductive polydopamine-reduced graphene oxide-hybrid hydrogels for constructing cardiac microtissues, colloids and surfaces b: biointerfaces, 2021, 205: 111844. (if 5.268) [25] z. zhu*, y. wang, r. peng, p. chen,y. geng, b. he, s. ouyang, k. zheng, y. fan, d. pan, n. jin, f. rudolf, and a. hierlemann, a microfluidic single-cell array for in situ laminar-flow-based comparative culturing of budding yeast cells, talanta, 2021, 231: 122401. (if 6.057) [24] x. xu,z. zhu*, y. wang, y. geng, f. xu*, m. a. marchisio, z. wang, and d. pan, investigation of daughter cell dissection coincidence of single budding yeast cells immobilized in microfluidic traps, analytical and bioanalytical chemistry, 2021, 413: 2181-2193. (if 4.157) [23] f. zhang, k.-y. qu, b. zhou, y. luo, z. zhu, d.-j. pan, c. cui, y. zhu, m.-l. chen, and n.-p. huang*, design and fabrication of an integrated heart-on-a-chip platform for construction of cardiac tissue from human ipsc-derived cardiomyocytes and in situ evaluation of physiological function, biosensors and bioelectronics, 2021, 179: 113080. (if 10.618) [22] r. cai, s. guo, y. wu, s. zhang, y. sun, s. chen, p. gao∗, c. zhu, j. chen, z. zhu, l. sun∗, and f. xu∗, lattice-resolution visualization of anisotropic sodiation degrees and revelation of sodium storage mechanisms in todorokite-type mno2 with in-situ tem, energy storage materials, 2021, 37: 345–353. (if 17.789) [21] m. dong, r. fu, h. min, q. zhang, h. dong, y. pan, l. sun*, w. wei, m. qin, z. zhu*, and f. xu*, in situ liquid cell transmission electron microscopy investigation on the dissolution-regrowth mechanism dominating the shape evolution of silver nanoplates, , 2021, 21: 1314−1322. (if 4.076) [20] 张钊, 耿杨烨, 朱真*,用于酵母细胞电阻抗检测的集成微电极阵列微流控芯片的有限元仿真研究, 电子器件, 2021, 44(2): 255-261. [19] 郭涛, 张钊, 杨浠, 潘德京, 彭年才, 朱真*,新型冠状病毒检测方法的研究,名医, 2020, 19: 76-77. [18] k. huang, y. geng, x. zhang, d. chen, z. cai, m. wang, z. zhu*, and z. wang*, a wide-band digital lock-in amplifier and its application in microfluidic impedance measurement, sensors, 2019, 19, 3519, doi:10.3390/s19163519 (if 3.576) [17] k. jia, z. lu, f. zhou, z. xiong, r. zhang, z. liu, y. ma, l. he, c. li, z. zhu, d. pan, and z. lian, multiple sgrnas facilitate base editing mediated i-stop to induce complete and precise gene disruption, protein & cell, 2019, 11, 832-839, doi: 10.1007/s13238-019-0611-6 (if 14.870) [16] y. geng#, z. zhu*#, y. wang, y. wang, s. ouyang, k. zheng, w. ye, y. fan, z. wang, and d. pan, multiplexing microelectrodes for dielectrophoretic manipulation and electrical impedance measurement of single particles and cells in a microfluidic device, electrophoresis, 2019, 40: 1436-1445. #equal contribution (if 3.535) [15] z. zhu*, y. geng, z. yuan, s. ren, m. liu, z. meng, and d. pan, a bubble-free microfluidic device for easy-to-operate immobilization, culturing and monitoring of zebrafish embryos, micromachines, 2019, 10: 168. (if 2.891) [14] 耿杨烨,潘任豪, 王颖瀛, 吴成均, 初慧杰, 朱真*,用于流式细胞电穿孔的微流控芯片的研究, 电子器件, 2019, 42(3): 545-550. [13] z. zhu*, w. chen, b. tian, y. luo, j. lan, d. wu, d. chen, z. wang, and d. pan, using microfluidic impedance cytometry to measure c. elegans worms and identify their developmental stages, sensors and actuators b: chemical, 2018, 275: 470-482. (if 7.460) [12] z. zhu*, x. xu, l. fang, d. pan, and q.-a. huang, investigation of geometry-dependent sensing characteristics of microfluidic electrical impedance spectroscopy through modeling and simulation, sensors and actuators b: chemical, 2016, 235: 515-524. (if 7.460) [11] z. zhu*, p. chen, k. liu, and c. escobedo, a versatile bonding method for pdms and su-8 and its application towards a multifunctional microfluidic device,micromachines, 2016, 7: 230. (if 2.891) [10] z. zhu*, o. frey, n. haandbæk, f. franke, f. rudolf, and a. hierlemann, time-lapse electrical impedance spectroscopy for monitoring the cell cycle of single immobilized s. pombe cells, scientific reports, 2015, 5, 17180. (if 4.379) [9] k. liu#, z. zhu*#, x. wang#, d. gonçalves, b. zhang, a. hierlemann, and p. hunziker*, microfluidics-based single-step preparation of injection-ready polymeric nanosystems for medical imaging and drug delivery, nanoscale, 2015, 7: 16983-16993. #equal contribution (if 7.790) [8] z. zhu*, o. frey, f. franke, n. haandbæk, and a. hierlemann, real-time monitoring of immobilized single yeast cells through multifrequency electrical impedance spectroscopy, analytical and bioanalytical chemistry, 2014, 406: 7015-7025. (if 4.157) [7] z. zhu*, o. frey, d. s. ottoz, f. rudolf, and a. hierlemann, microfluidic single-cell cultivation chip with controllable immobilization and selective release of yeast cells, lab on a chip, 2012, 12: 906-915. (if 6.799) [6] z. zhou, q.-a. huang*, z. zhu, and w. li, an efficient simulation system for inclined uv lithography processes of thick su-8 photoresists, ieee transactions on semiconductor manufacturing, 2011, 24(2): 294-303. (if 2.874) [5] z. zhu, z. zhou, q.-a. huang*, and w. li, modeling, simulation and experimental verification of inclined uv lithography for su-8 negative thick photoresists, journal of micromechanics and microengineering, 2008, 18: 125017-125027. (if 1.881) [4] z. zhou, q.-a. huang*, w. li, m. feng, w. lu, and z. zhu, improvement of the 2d dynamic ca method for photoresist etching simulation and its application to deep uv lithography simulations of su-8 photoresists, journal of micromechanics and microengineering, 2007, 17: 2538-2547. (if 1.881) [3] 朱真*, 黄庆安, 李伟华, 周再发, 冯明, su-8胶曝光衍射效应的模拟及丙三醇补偿方法,半导体学报, 2007, 28(12): 2011-2017. [2] 冯明, 黄庆安, 李伟华, 周再发, 朱真, su-8胶深紫外光刻模拟, 半导体学报, 2007, 28(9): 1465-1470. [1] 冯明, 黄庆安*, 李伟华, 周再发, 朱真, su-8胶在深紫外光源下的光强分布模拟,传感技术学报, 2006, 19(5): 1470-1476.
授权专利 [1] z. zhu, q. li, d. jin, f. yu, y. geng, microfluidic chip for culturing and real-time monitoring of multicellular tissues and use method thereof, 2023.05.30, us11661573b2 [2] z. zhu, m. wang, y. wang, q.-a. huang, passive wireless sensors for detecting discrete droplets and bubbles, 2022.08.09, us11408845b2 [3] 朱真,徐星宇,王昊曦,杨剑坤,一种用于线虫运动行为和生理特征监测的微流控芯片,2022.03.29,中国,zl202010474150.1 [4] z. zhu, m. wang, z. zhang, q.-a. huang, passive wireless device for microfluidic detection of multi-level droplets, 2022.02.15, us11249003b2, 证书号11249003 [5] 朱真,肖秦,一种用于固定带电极微流控芯片的夹具装置,2021.09.07,中国,zl202010473207.6 [6] 朱真,孙治华,李子煜,一种基于pdms微流体结构上集成聚氨酯薄膜的方法,2021.07.21,中国,zl201811588911.5 [7] 朱真,厉俏单,金鼎鑫,俞峰,耿杨烨,一种用于细胞组织培养与实时监测的微流控芯片及其使用方法,2021.05.28,中国,zl201810262702.5 [8] 朱真,王颖瀛,王蜜,潘德京,黄宁片,张宁,用于心肌细胞三维功能性培养的微流控芯片及制备方法及力学电学特性检测方法,2021.05.11,中国,zl201810217635.5 [9] 朱真,耿杨烨,陈炜捷,田倍通,王颖瀛,潘任豪,用于秀丽线虫的微流控电阻抗检测分选芯片、系统及方法,2020.10.02,中国,zl201711120212.3 [10] 朱真,耿杨烨,潘任豪,王颖瀛,微电极流控芯片及可调参数单细胞电穿孔装置,2020.08.11,中国,zl201711082795.5 [11] 朱真,袁璋诣,许轩臻,一种用于微流控通道中气体去除的装置,2019.04.09,中国,zl201610422673.5 [12] 朱真,陈攀,陈炜捷,田倍通,方磊,一种用于动物组织原位对照培养的微流控芯片,2018.05.04,中国,zl201610838551.4 [13] 朱真,一种固定并连接带电极微流控芯片的通用型装置,2016.08.24,中国,zl201510040767.1 [14] 朱真,一种以su-8光刻胶和pdms为基材的微流控芯片键合方法,2016.06.29,中国,zl201510033501.4
软件著作权登记 [1] 朱真,肖秦,基于深度学习的酿酒酵母细胞复制寿命自检测软件v1.0,2020.12.25,2020sr1895666 [2] 朱真,王昊曦,基于matlab的线虫运动行为电阻抗断层成像分析软件v1.0,2021.07.30,2021sr1132869 学术兼职 长期担任biosensors & bioelectronics, sensors and actuators b: chemical, analytical chemstry, analytical and bioanalytical chemistry等国际期刊审稿人、国家自然基金委函评专家 2019 高性能mems器件设计与制造关键技术及应用,国家科技进步二等奖 2019 东南大学“至善青年学者”a层次 2015 江苏省高层次创新创业人才引进计划(双创计划) 团队介绍 课题组学生获奖2017,田倍通、任佩旭 东南大学2017届校级优秀毕业设计(论文) 2018,耿杨烨 东南大学2018届校级优秀毕业设计(论文) 2019,王昊曦 湖南师范大学2019届校级优秀毕业设计(论文) 2019,耿杨烨 硕士研究生国家奖学金 2021,耿杨烨 东南大学2021届优秀硕士毕业生 2021,徐星宇 硕士研究生国家奖学金 2022,张 钊 硕士研究生国家奖学金 2022,陈一臻 东南大学2022届校级优秀毕业设计(论文) 2022,耿杨烨 东南大学2022年优秀硕士学位论文 2022,杨剑坤 东南大学2022届毕业生“至善奋斗奖” 2022,蓝天聪 microtas 2022 art of science award 2023,徐星宇 东南大学2023年优秀硕士学位论文 招生情况 毕业生介绍 |